jus got back.frm drownin my sorrows.wallowin in self-pity.wow.
im totally outrageous.outrageously stupid i must add.
k girl.straight to e damn point.
sorry for being whatever you think we were.and i guess we still are in ur eyes.
sorry for being despotic.[wow is there even such a word? u haf a cool vocab i must add]
sorry for playin a childish game.
sorry for being insensitive to your feelings.
sorry for the continuous lyin.and coverin up.[as if explainin was any good]
and sorry for being immature little brats.
sorry for stooping low to this extent.hm.isn not listenin to an explanation one stoop lower?
sorry for making u angry.
sorry for tryin to make u even believe our intentions were good.
sorry for jus tryin to make ur day a happy one.
sorry for all the surprises.
sorry that it had to turn out this way.
well.ppl.jus sorry.really sorry.
we just started off on a really happy note.it really wasnt a plan to humiliate or play with u.
in e end.we are e ones who get humiliated.right.down.to.our.ass.
we really jus wanted ur day to start off bright n cheery.it was jus great to see both of u happy.
like wad yx said.yea.guess we shud haf just gone straight up to ya and get an outright rejection. thats so much nicer i guess.*weee*
we really had reasons to cover up.different reasons for different ppl.obviously.
both of us knew that once they knew it was us it wuld be a totally different outcome.
even jus seeing them share it was enough..at least they're happy.
wait.why am i blabberin on and on abt this? cos they wont even bother.at.all.
like whu gifs a fuck wad me n yx think? tell me whu really gifs a fuck.
and.ppl dont cry for no reason.and the last reason is for sympathy.cant even believe you thought that way.
if u really did this to make us upset.you did it.i applaud you.job well done.cos we blardy hell are.
if anyone wanna see e unedited post jus tell me.im happy to share it.
i said i wouldnt mention it in this post and i'll stick to my word.
i wont ever stoop to that level.
-all i can do is...try...-
im just demeaning myself i guess.how nice.
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